Why "Gather & Create?"
At Indigo River, we know that cultivating Community & Creativity will help us solve most (if not all!) of the challenges facing humans & the world today.
Our company's long-term goals include supporting the Tiny Living & DIY communities in DFW so this spring we are creating a space where folks can gather to
share ideas
facilitate collaborative relationships
investigate alternative options for living our best lives individually & collectively
We hope you can join us in May!
❤️ Peter, Christina & Team IRTH ❤️
We named "Gather & Create" after song lyrics by some of our favorite musicians, Nahko Bear & Medicine for the People:
"And they sang:
Don't waste your hate.
Rather, gather and create.
Be of service.
Be a sensible person.
Use your words & don't be nervous.
You can do this.
You've got purpose.
Find your medicine & use it."
Many thanks to the Festival's
Community Partners:

The Venue
Southfork Ranch has the PERFECT facilities for a Tiny House Festival!
Click "The Venue" for more photos & info about this iconic Dallas landmark where we will Gather & Create
May 6 & 7, 2023!
Gather & Create with Us!
Join us @ Southfork Ranch May 6&7, 2023!
Advance Tickets
All tickets include: Free Parking + Access to all Festival Activities + Discounted Tours of the Southfork Grounds & Mansion used in the Dallas TV Series + the Museum of Show Artifacts & Memorabilia
$14 Weekend Pass
$12 Weekend Pass for Seniors, Veterans, Students, Teachers & First Responders
$9 Single Day Pass
$87 GO Tiny! VIP Tours + Weekend Pass
FREE Kid's Pass for Children Under 13

Can't make it to the Festival this year?
Join us for the Podcast where we interview Festival Contributors, Tiny Home Experts & take your questions LIVE
Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.
Saturday & Sunday
May 6 & 7
9am - 10am
VIP Tours (No Lines!)
Personalized Tiny Home Q&A
10am - 5pm
Festival Open to the Public
Tiny Home & Vehicle Conversion Tours
More VIP Tours with The Tiny Home Lady @ Noon & 3pm
Food Trucks & Adult Refreshments
Artists, Vendors & Products for DIY, Minimalist, Travel Lifestyles & more!
May 6
5pm - 7pm
VIP Happy Hour & Networking Opportunity
(By Invitation Only - For Festival Contributors & Volunteers)
Stage Schedules are published!
Contact us
Do you have a question about The Gather & Create Festival?
Want to show your work, speak, play music or participate as a volunteer or vendor?